David Murrin

455 days ago

Video: Golds Time to Shine is Just Coming Into View

Author and analyst David Murrin discusses the role of commodities in the conflicts of the world and how governments should move towards a hybrid market command system in order to secure essential resources and protect their economies. 


455 days ago

Video: The U.S. and Europe are in a Terminal State of Decline

Global forecaster and author David Murrin says that the road to war is peppered with polarization. Murrin explains that the human strategy for survival is through social structures, and that wars between a weaker system and a rising system are necessary to create a better outcome. He also explains that war is regulated by the Kondratiev cycle which takes place every 56 years.


683 days ago

Video: The Fed needs to own up to what it has blown up & the worst carnage is yet to come!

Author, David Murrin, warns there is a significant risk of conflict in Asia, including Korea and Taiwan. He states that China is gaining knowledge of drone technology, while the West is essentially at war with Russia; the level of collective delusion from Western leaders is concerning.
